Tribute Wall
Funeral Service
10:45 am
Monday, July 11, 2022
Cedar Park Cemetery
735 Forest Ave
Paramus, New Jersey, United States
Service will be live streamed at beginning at 10:30am Eastern Time. See link on left of screen

Stephen Poorman posted a condolence
Sunday, July 17, 2022
My heart goes out to the family of Dr. Henry Krieger. Dr. Krieger was a great influence in my life as my Coach and mentor. I struggled with various challenges in my college years. He was always there for me in the good and bad times. He would always support and encourage me even when I did not believe i could. I am eternally grateful to this kind, empathetic and so brilliant and talented a man. And to the family I remember being welcomed into the family home for team dinners. These were special times I will never forget. My prayers will continue to be sent. Stephen Poorman
Lance Au posted a condolence
Sunday, July 17, 2022
Coach Hank was my tennis coach from 1987 to 1991. I am appreciative that he recruited me, and got me into CMC. Without his support, I wouldn't have been admitted to CMC. As a coach, Coach Hank took care of everything for us. All we needed to do was show up and play tennis. An indelible memory of Coach Hank is that believed in me even when sometime I didn't. I know now that this "belief" is something special. I also learned from him that Jewish families and Chinese families are very similar. I will always cherish my time with Coach Hank, and always be appreciative that he helped me achieve success in college in both the classroom and on the tennis court. Coach Hank was my friend, and he will be missed. With a heavy heart I send my condolences to the Krieger family and Aloha.
Art Freilich posted a condolence
Sunday, July 10, 2022
Hank was a year behind me at RPI and only a casual acquaintance. But in 2015, I invited him to join Norm Schwartz, Jay Fuller, and me at our monthly lunch get togethers. And thereafter until the pandemic arrived in 2020, the four of us met regularly in Glendale, roughly a half hour from our respective homes. I came to know Hank as an extraordinary being on multiple levels.
I particularly recall one get together when Hank took us on a tour of Harvey Mudd, his office, and the Claremont campus. It was a delightful day, highlighted by a tour of the tennis center and particularly the impressive "Hank Krieger Scoreboard".
Hank was pleased and proud of his many achievements in academics, athletics, and leadership but never with a bit of boast or bravado. I was always impressed with his quiet unassuming authentic nature capped by an apparent high regard for integrity.
Hank's loss will be broadly felt. How sad for us who knew him and how unfortunate for those who never had the opportunity.
Art Freilich
Don Brosseau posted a condolence
Sunday, July 10, 2022
I met Hank my senior year, Hank’s first year at HMC. 1969. He was my statistics professor in the fall semester. Nice guy; he liked tennis and he came out to support the team in the spring. I had no idea he would turn out to be the head of the math department, much less the legendary tennis coach he became. I started to come out periodically to help out and support his players beginning in the early 80’s and got to know him a little better. He was so much more than a coach or a professor; he was a friend. I can’t remember Hank ever having an unkind word to say about anyone, even Redlands! He always took a positive outlook on whatever the situation might be. And he was a friend and mentor to so many students and players over all those years. Surely the world is a lesser place without Hank in it, but it is also much better place for all the good he helped create. If he were to have that mythical conversation with St Peter at the pearly gates and St. Peter asked what have you done for the world, I’m sure Hank would answer humbly, but proudly, “I didn’t do much, just my job; but look at all the good works my students and players have done in the world and are continuing to do even today.” Hank, you will be missed. - Don Brosseau, HMC '70
David Panton posted a condolence
Saturday, July 9, 2022
David and Elizabeth Panton
I first met Hank when on business in Claremont in 1999 while visiting Harvey Mudd College. At that time I suggested that Hank spend some time on sabbatical at The University of South Australia which he subsequently did in 2000. We got to know both Hank and Rita very well during their time "down under" and enjoyed their company very much. Having learnt something of the Industry projects done as a part of the final year undergraduate program at Harvey Mudd, I managed to spend some sabbatical time there in 2002 to learn some more about these programs with a view to implementing them in our own undergraduate programs at UNISA. Liz and I got to know both Hank and Rita very well during this time. Hank being a great tennis fan, visited us in Australia in 2011 when along with Graham and Athalie Mills we spent some time at the Australian Tennis Open in Melbourne. Our last contact with Hank and Rita was in 2012 when we spent time with them at Dana Point. Our memories of these "encounters" are very fond.
We wish Rita and the family our love and best wishes.
Jerome Haig posted a condolence
Friday, July 8, 2022
Coach Krieger was the reason I played tennis at CMS and why I continue to play to this day. He made playing and learning tennis a terrific and enriching experience. He never cared whether you were top-dog on the team (definitely not me) or somewhere else on the depth chart. He treated everyone alike. There is so much love for him from all who were lucky enough to be in his orbit. Many of us saw him recently at the Ducey cup at the CMS courts in February. He chatted with my wife and my son (an HMC student). It was so special. Rest in peace, coach.
I mourn his loss and hope the entire extended Krieger family is well, and know that Coach Krieger's traits of compassion, intelligence, empathy, humor, energy, and wisdom have been passed down.
Bob Waller posted a condolence
Friday, July 8, 2022
Hank was a year ahead of me at R.P.I. I remember him clearly as highly intelligent, friendly, helpful, and modest. I'll always remember how he patiently tutored several of us in a tough chemical engineering course, even though he was not a chemical engineering major!
After graduation, we lost touch with each other until we met up again at our fraternity zoom meetings. Again, Hank was highly intelligent, friendly, helpful and modest, as if the many years had not slipped by. He was a rock of dependability, as I'm sure he was to his family.
Please accept my sincere condolences on what must be a terrible loss. We will all miss him.
Robert Rubinstein posted a condolence
Friday, July 8, 2022
Dear Rita: Joan and I extend our most sincere condolences, to you and your family, on Hank's passing.
We regret that we can not attend, in person, the funeral service due to scheduled medical appointments, but will be present via zoom.
While most of my recollections are from our college years, we have met you and Hank several times since then.
It was always like we had seen each other the previous week.
In addition to his brilliance, I remember him as unassuming, kind and an attentive listener.
I also recall, from the RPI days, asking him for help, on numerous occasions, for academic problems and was struck by the depth of his answers and the clarity in which he presented them.
It was like talking to a professor only better since he spoke my language and could relate things to my level.
I recall that Hank was the Phi Sigma Delta ping pong champ.
I know that because he beat me for the title.
We played a lot-he didn't need to study that much, I did-and I usually won but in the "big" match he was just too good.
I also remember our days living together in our sophomore year at hogan's alley, our apartment so named because or landlady was a Mrs. Hogan
I can't fathom the depth of your loss after 60+ years of marriage but can only hope that as time, the great healer, passes your memories of Hank, will ease your pain.
Our thoughts are with you and your family.
Love, Joan and Bob
William Konya posted a condolence
Thursday, July 7, 2022
My deepest condolences go out to Rita, Jeff, Elaine, & the rest of the Krieger Family. You are a great family, and I appreciate all that you have done for me.
Outside of my immediate family, Henry Krieger has been by far the most influential person in my life. Like a second father, he helped shape (in a positive way) the person I am today. We enjoyed a beautiful relationship; during my college years and beyond I received many welcome "pats on the back" from him, and when I would fall far short of my potential, he would pick me up and show me the way.
Eternally grateful to Coach Krieger,
William Konya
HMC '83
B.S. Math, Advisor: Dr. H. Krieger
Stags Tennis: 1980-83
Gerry Nelson posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Sometimes you get lucky in life. I was twice blessed; not only to have known Henry but also to have roomed with him during my sophomore year at RPI (fall semester 1955 through spring semester 1956) living at the Phi Sig house on South Lake Avenue. Those are treasured memories.
If I was struggling with a concept, having difficulty grasping the ideas and putting it all together, Hank was generous with his time, offering to help to explain what I was missing whenever he could. Although I didn’t always succeed in completely understanding (the fault was mine, not Hank’s) I appreciated his efforts and loved him for it. I’m confident that I am not alone amongst the many he offered and gave help to.
Beyond his extraordinary intellect Hank Krieger was one of the most kind, gentle, generous, wonderful human beings I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. He was a great friend and a real mensch, in all the sense and meaning of the word. He will be missed. My sincerest condolences to Rita and family.
Aaron Fuhriman posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Hank always made me feel special and took time to talk to me after each of my tennis matches - all four years. He was kind, thoughtful and inclusive. He had a special touch and I will do my best to carry it forward.
Jerry Cohen lit a candle
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Hank will be ever remembered as a soft spoken friend, classmate, fraternity brother ever standing out as a brilliant student, superb athlete, mentor .... in college days and for over half a century longer. We'll not see his like again./Jerry Cohen, RPI, class of 1957
Art Goldstein posted a condolence
Monday, July 4, 2022
There are not enough ways to say how much I admired Hank. While we were students at RPI I knew Hank as a very respected and highly-admired friend and fraternity brother. I remember him being the very top student in our class of 1957. Hank was especially admired because he accomplished that admirable feat without much, if any, studying. In addition, Hank had the very unusual willingness to always share his time to help or coach his Phi Sigma Delta fraternity brothers with their studies or homework. I remember our trip to Cornell, when I visited Vida, and Hank visited his brother. Vida and I especially remember when Hank and Rita attended our wedding in Brooklyn in 1958. We remember our mini-reunion with Rita and Hank at Laguna Beach ten years ago. Throughout the years and all his remarkable accomplishments and achievements, as a top student, top professor of mathematics, and top tennis coach, there was always one remarkable constant with Hank . He remained humble. He was tribute to all the institutions he served and most especially to his family. We will always remember him most fondly.
With Love, Art and Vida
Ira Adler posted a condolence
Sunday, July 3, 2022
Dear Rita and family,
It's so sad to hear of Hank's passing but at the same time marvel at all he accomplished and all the people he influenced and guided. They'll be lots of memories to ponder but the pain will linger well into the future.
I, too, was a recipient of Hank's patience as a teacher and friend. It was senior year at RPI and I had one class to pass to graduate--partial differential equations (my first attempt failed). Hank and I would drive up to Skidmore from Troy, Hank to see Rita, me to see my new flame and eventual wife, Joy. These were weekday nights, mostly, and the girls had early curfews in those days. On our way back to Troy we would often stop at a diner out side Saratoga Springs for a hamburger and a coke--but the main reason was to have Hank tutor me. Well, I finally passed the course, graduated, went into the Army and married Joy. As with so many other fraternity brothers Hank was the sought after tutor and I owe so much to him.
With deep sympathy and fondness,
Ira (Ike)
jerry Weinstein posted a condolence
Sunday, July 3, 2022
My entire family sends our sympathies to all of your Family. I gave known Henry and Rita or 67 [;us years and our families have shared the good and the bad and the celebrations over this long history. I am still searching for the words of Love and Respect and Admiration for Henry. He was a most remarkable man and accomplished so much. The impact on others and all that he has interacted with are the beneficiaries of his legacy., From the days at RPI and Phi Sigma Delta in Troy NY .and up through our frequent visits and telephone calls and Zoom calls ,we stayed connected. I am very very fortunate to have had that relationship. My head swirls with memories but dampened by the sadness I personally feel for his loss. Yours the greater sadness for sure. Our family grieves with you. Jerry and Lynn Weinstein and Naomi Weinstein Bloom,Julie Andersson and Becca Howlett and their families/
The family of Henry Krieger uploaded a photo
Saturday, July 2, 2022

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